MEET THE COACH | Football Coach Doug Eason

Despite being new to Sherwood Christian, Coach Doug Eason boasts an impressive 25 years of seasoned coaching experience. Marking his debut as SCA’s Head Football Coach, Coach Eason prepares for his inaugural home opener on Friday, September 1st, as the Eagles clash with Calhoun County. Holding an impressive early-season record of 2-0, the Eagles are off to a promising start. Read on to learn more about Coach Doug Eason as he takes the helm for the Eagles at Sherwood Christian Academy.

ROLE AT SCA: Varsity Football Community Coach

EDUCATION: AS in Marketing and Management from Jones College. BA in Christian Education from Louisiana Baptist University.

EXPERIENCE/AWARDS: I’ve coached football and basketball for the last 25 years at all levels. As a student, I played college basketball at Trinity Baptist College 1994-95 and received an award for being #6 in rebounds at 11.8 per game in 1995.

FAVORITE THING ABOUT COACHING FOOTBALL AT SCA SO FAR: The thing I like coaching most at SCA is our players. We have a great group of young men that not only do I enjoy coaching, but they are great to be around. Also, the Godly culture is incredible!

WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FORWARD TO THIS FOOTBALL SEASON? We have a young team, so I look forward to seeing our team grow and mature together this year.

WHAT IS YOUR GOAL AS A COACH TRAINING SCA ATHLETES TO COMPETE WITH EXCELLENCE? The goal for me as a coach at SCA is to develop Godly men on and off the football field. At the end of the day, we want our football players to use what they learn to help them be godly husbands, fathers, and employees.


FAVORITE BOOK: The Bible and A Call to Die

FAVORITE HOBBY: Spending time with family!

FAVORITE MOVIE: Remember the Titans

ROLE OUTSIDE OF COACHING AT SCA: Lead Pastor of Central Baptist Church of Albany

A big welcome to Sherwood Christian, Coach Eason! We’re excited to have you on board, and we can’t wait to see you leading our team through the Eagle Tunnel this fall at SCA!