Mrs. Deborah Holman is the queen of her classroom and her second grade worker bees adore her! Filled with vibrant bee motif, Mrs. Holman has created a buzzing environment of learning, growing, and care for her students in their beehive. Her approach to teaching is fresh, unique, fun, and tailored to each student’s needs. Her incentive ticket system and Fun Fridays encourage her students to aspire to be quick to learn and listen, and it’s a fun way to end each eventful week. Mrs. Holman provides special ways for parents and grandparents to be involved with their student in the classroom by hosting events like the Gingerbread House Decorating Party and Super Fun Fridays filled with board games and laughter between parents and their second grader.

B.S. Elementary Education from Clarks Summit University (formerly known as Baptist Bible College)
M.Ed. in Educational Leadership from American College of Education
Ph.D. in Educational Leadership Policy from Texas Tech University- Expected Graduation: December 2024

Graduated Cum Laude, Clarks Summit University
Graduated Summa Cum Laude, American College of Education
Alpha Gamma Epsilon Honor Society, Clarks Summit University
Delta Pi International Honor Society in Education, American College of Education
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, Texas Tech University
Albany 40 Under 40, Nonprofit Category Finalist

YEARS LEADING IN EDUCATION: This is my tenth year of teaching and my fifth year at SCA.

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE THING ABOUT TEACHING?: Jesus said in Matthew 18:3, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” I truly believe that this is one of the most fruitful ages for sharing the gospel. There is such a purity and faith in the heart of a Child towards the things of God. While there are many exciting things about teaching elementary students, my favorite is teaching the Bible, sharing the gospel, and discipling students in their relationship with Christ. This is what has eternal value.

FAVORITE RESTAURANT IN SWGA: I love seafood and enjoy going to Jonah’s Fish and Grits in Thomasville.

FAVORITE HOBBIES: I enjoy traveling, going out to eat, cooking, sewing, and watching movies with my husband.

FAVORITE BOOKS: Let Me Be a Woman by Elisabeth Elliot and Knowing God by J.I. Packer

FAVORITE MOMENT AS A TEACHER AT SCA: One of the most cherished moments that I’ve experienced at SCA was the 2019 student body revival. It was such a powerful and precious opportunity to see so many students give their lives to Christ and testify boldly for Him.

WHY DO YOU BELIEVE CHRISTIAN EDUCATION IS IMPORTANT?: I believe that Christian Education is important because it is a tool to help set a strong spiritual foundation for a child. At SCA we have the freedom to teach from a Biblical worldview, share the gospel, and incorporate Biblical principals in all that we do. SCA is a safe space for children to learn and grow.

We’re grateful for Mrs. Holman and the joy she brings to Sherwood Christian Academy. We’re cheering her on as she reaches the homestretch of her doctoral studies!