New High School Principal Announced

We are excited to announce that Mr. Jonathan Dyal has accepted the position of High School/Middle School Principal at Sherwood Christian Academy beginning in the 2023-2024 school year. Mr. Dyal will begin his duties at SCA this July. He has served in education eleven years and has been an administrator for five of those years. He has a Master’s degree in Educational Leadership and will be completing his Education Specialist degree in Educational Leadership this summer. Mr. Dyal has served as a math and social studies teacher, coach of multiple sports, athletic director, and most recently as assistant principal at Lee County Middle School West. 

Mr. Dyal has been married to his wife Claire for almost eleven years. Jonathan and Claire have five children (Iris 9, David 6, Camille 4, Adah 3, and Reynolds 1). Iris and David will join their dad at SCA next year as they enter second and fourth grades. The Dyals spent two years serving on mission at Kyiv Christian Academy in Kyiv, Ukraine 2015-2017. Their time in Ukraine deepened their passion for foreign missions and their desire to share Christ’s love with lost and hopeless people they encountered there. We are thankful God has brought their heart for missions abroad to SCA. The Dyals prayer for their family is to focus on things that are of eternal value, to glorify God in all they do, know and love God deeply, and to let that love for God drive their love for others.

Please join us in welcoming Mr. Dyal to SCA!