SCA High School Students Win District Mock Trial Competition

SCA high school students are headed to State Mock Trial competition in Atlanta!

Sherwood Christian Academy’s first mock trial team finished the Region competition in February in first place and were named “champions” of the District Mock Trial Competition on March 4. The team and their coaches are headed to the Georgia State High School Mock Trial Competition at the Gwinnett County Justice and Administration Building in Atlanta on March 18-19.

The SCA team is comprised of witnesses, and plaintiff and defense teams: Hannah Albano, Henry Anderson, Kinsley Bynum, Kuba Cecil, Arabella Davidson, Connor Mathis, Will Moorhead, Mary Grace Piper, Cooper Powers, Ellie Jane Wright, Brody Brown, and Devin Sheppard. SCA’s School Sponsor is High School Guidance Counselor James Byrd. Students Malachi Jones and Rebekah NeSmith participated as Courtroom Sketch Artists at Region competition. Albany attorneys Sandra Satchell and Alfreda Sheppard are volunteer attorney coaches.

“This is SCA’s first year with a Mock Trial Team,” said James Byrd. “We were so excited to be a part of the competition put on by the State Bar of Georgia! Our team began practice later in the school year, but even with a truncated practice schedule, our students and attorney coaches put together a fierce and highly competitive team! None of this would have been possible without some incredibly bright and motivated students!