Congratulations to SCA junior Olivia Keith!
Olivia completed the prestigious 10-module Nobel Laureate Science Research Writing Program and participated in the Nobel Laureate Recognition Program at the University of Massachusetts Lowell this summer. Olivia was selected as a Delegate to the Congress of Future Medical Leaders, an honors-only program for high-achieving high school students with a passion for medicine and medical research.
Her nomination was signed by Dr. Mario Capecchi, winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine and the Science Director of the National Academy of Future Physicians and Medical Scientists to represent Georgia based on her academic achievement, leadership potential and determination to serve humanity in the field of medicine.
During the three-day Congress, Olivia Keith joined students from across the country and hear Nobel Laureates and National Medal of Science recipients discuss leading medical research; be given advice from Ivy League and top medical school deans on what to expect in medical school; witness stories told by patients who are living medical miracles; be inspired by fellow teen medical science prodigies; and learn about cutting-edge advances and the future in medicine and medical technology.
We are so proud of Olivia’s hard work, dedication, and ambition as she pursues her passion for medicine!
Way to represent SCA and Georgia, Olivia!
Pictured: Olivia met several of the speakers at the Nobel Laureate Recognition Program event!