Sherwood Christian Academy is excited to welcome Mr. Kevin Taylor, a seasoned educator and coach with three decades of experience in education and leadership. A dedicated husband to Susan for 28 years and proud father of four daughters, Mr. Taylor brings a wealth of knowledge and passion to SCA.

As a high school Algebra teacher, strength and conditioning instructor, and Middle School Football Coach, Coach Taylor is already making a significant impact on our students. His expertise and commitment to both academics and athletics make him an invaluable asset to our SCA family.

We’re thrilled to have him as part of our community, guiding our students to grow not only academically but also in character and strength. Welcome, Mr. Taylor!

EDUCATION: Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Secondary Math Education from GSW, Specialist’s degree in School Leadership from ASU

YEARS LEADING IN EDUCATION: This is my 30th year in education. This is my 19th year teaching high school math. I also served as an Assistant Principal for 11 years. I have coached football and baseball for 19 years. This is my first year at SCA.

CAREER HONORS AND AWARDS: I was honored to be selected as a school leader and served as an Assistant Principal for 11 years at Lee County High School. I also was named area/region Coach and/or Assistant Coach of the year several times over my career. 

WHAT IS YOU FAVORITE THING ABOUT TEACHING SECONDARY STUDENTS? I love the opportunity to develop positive relationships with students. This can occur both on the field and in the classroom. I feel it’s important for students to have other adults in their lives who can pour into their Christian walk.  

FAVORITE PLACE YOU’VE VISITED ON VACATION: I enjoyed visiting with my daughter in Philadelphia. We ran up the “Rocky” steps together and then shadow boxed at the top. 

FAVORITE HOBBY: Spending time with my family. I enjoy fishing and hunting on family land during my free time.

HIDDEN TALENT: I teach on the board with my right and left hand. I can also ride a unicycle. 

FAVORITE MOVIE: I always enjoyed the Rocky I movie when the underdog got a chance at the title fight.  I enjoy pulling for the underdog and seeing the determination required to meet the challenge.

AS A CHILD, WHAT DID YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GREW UP? I had several Godly men who were my teachers and coaches who inspired me to go into education. They poured into my life and were a great encouragement to me. I felt God calling me to this ministry of educating the next generation.  

WHY DO YOU THINK CHRISTIAN EDUCATION IS IMPORTANT AND SPECIAL? For 30 years, I love that God has given me the platform and the opportunity to witness and disciple young people both in the classroom and on the field. One of my favorite verses is Matthew 6:33 (seek first the kingdom of God). I think it’s special that I can share some of my favorite verses like this and share how God has used this and other verses in my walk with Him. I can tell students about His faithfulness and how He will never let us down. 

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE MEMORY AT SCA? My first chapel experience was inspiring. It was great to see the students lead worship and then listen attentively to the message for the week.